Soak a handful of kidney beans overnight. In the morning boil them keeping a crunchy yet soft feel.
Scoop out the flesh from 2 luscious tomatoes. Slice them round. Pan roast with salt and pepper.
Take about 6 spring onion bulbs. Cut them lengthwise. Apply a dash of olive oil, salt and pepper and pan roast them too.
For the dressing, take 6 tbsp yogurt, 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Add 2 cloves of crushed garlic and 2 tbsp lemon juice. Fold everything in, Please don't beat too much.
In a large salad bowl, place washed drained crisp salad leaves like aragula and lettuce randomly. Place the sweet potato, carrot, onion bulbs, tomato rings gently on the leaves, layering as you go along. Blob onto the bowl dollops of the dressing. As you serve yourself, ensure you are getting a bit of everything. It is lovely, I assure you.