Thursday, 22 August 2013

Baby Potato Salad


Shirin claims that we did not get on when we met. This is because I came across as disapproving of her from my working-mother stand point. The tables turned quickly when she deduced that I was a pushy-mother who made her two year old ill child celebrate a birthday party with two hundred odd people when he was unwell! Tch Tch...I was a complete no-no to this Hyde park girl. 

So, you bet we had a rocky start which transformed into a Grand Prix road as soon as we realized that among thin young moms we both hags had each other not to feel out of place. Then on, many other things brought us close - the fact that our boys were helpless characters, the fact that she was married to Mr. Rebecca Bloomwood, the fact that we boasted of lost (non existent really) career opportunities, the fact that she handpicked me for her special birthday bash, the fact that I got along with her other girl friends(phew!) (not easy with so many happening women and all vying for one gorgeous man's attention)...............

No kidding now, Shirin and Sujjain are one of the most affectionate and genuine people that I have ever met. We spend quite a lot of time together and still look forward to the next plan. They have two lovely homes, one of which is a country home where nature celebrates itself all around you. In one recent get-away in Karjat, Shirin tossed together this lovely potato salad. It was a rainy evening, dark and distant lights were visible from a far-away village, luscious chicken legs were roasting on the grill and this delicious potato salad was made with fresh produce and so much love.

Stuff that you must have

Baby potatoes - 20 pcs or so
A bowl of chopped fresh spring onions
A bowl of pomegranate
2 tbsp mayonnaise or sour cream
1 cup yogurt
1 tsp freshly ground pepper
Salt to taste

What to do

Boil and peel the potatoes. In a separate bowl fold in the mayonnaise and the yogurt. To this add the spring onions and 3/4 quantity of the pomegranate. Add salt and pepper. Now mix this in to the baby potatoes so that the potatoes are well coated with the sauce/dressing. Sprinkle the rest of the pomegranate and serve cold.

How to serve

Just go with the flow. Serve it anyhow.


Potato salad is a traditional Christmas meal in Czech Republic and Slovakia. In fact each family preserves their own recipe. It is served as a side dish with fried fish, the carp or white white sausages.